Meet Coach Wightman

Dr. Wightman "Coach"

Dr. Lowell Wightman, who is often referred as Coach Wightman, has dedicated over 30 years to the study of defining positive mindset and applying practical methods to improve leadership style.  In the 80’s and 90’s Dr. Wightman worked with legal, medical and accounting practices to developing training curriculums.

During this time he built relationships with Stephen Covey, Deepak Chopra, Mark Victor Hansen, and Dennis Waitley discovering that a focus on positive processes is far more effective then just the end results. Today Lowell uses his experience with college and professional athletes to enrich leadership theory models as he presents to business audiences.

His years of experience are referred to routinely when Dr. Wightman teaches his Master Coaching course at Colorado State University (CSU). He developed this course for anyone in a role of trust and leadership. Lowell is a PhD in Educational Leadership & Human Development and is a curriculum leader in Education- Adult Education & Training. The combination of business and sports experience sets Lowell apart with organizations looking to assess cultural desire, implement agile performance strategies, and promote methods that deliver perscribed results.

For three season (2012 to 2014) Coach Wightman was the Mental Conditioning Coach for CSU football team and was responsible for creating and delivering team mindset development. Dr. Wightman’s favorite quote summarizes his philosophy and passion for discovering the best path to performance excellence, 


"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein

Mental Performance Coaching  

Mental Performance Coaching for athletes creates drills and training that combines the strength and conditioning development programs into one mindset designed to produce excellence. Our training programs and exercises are customizable to each athlete, team, and the boardroom so that the performance attitude is focused on process execution.

Developing team and individual strategies for creating mental toughness is an essential first step to the mental performance coaching process. Formal assessment tools are also used to measure readiness and resiliency of individuals and teams.  Industry demands and personal goals will determine your level of leadership development and mindset management.

Teams successfully use mental performance coaching when each teammate protects and encourages others toward excellence.
Individuals use mental performance coaching successfully when they create a mental vision of their success before they compete.

Coach's Reading List

The Talent Code: Greatness Isn’t Born. It’s Grown. Here’s How, by Daniel Coyle

What is the secret of talent? How do we unlock it? In this groundbreaking work, journalist and New York Times bestselling author Daniel Coyle provides parents, teachers, coaches, businesspeople—and everyone else—with tools they can use to maximize potential in themselves and others.

Masterful Coaching, by Robert Hargrove

When the first edition of Masterful Coaching was published, it quickly became the standard resource for anyone who was a coach, considering becoming a coach, or curious about being an extraordinary coach.  Hargrove presents his profound insights into the journey to of becoming a masterful coach along with guiding ideas, tools, and methods.

The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work, by Shawn Achor

In The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor, who spent over a decade living, researching, and lecturing at Harvard University, draws on his own research—including one of the largest studies of happiness and potential at Harvard and others at companies like UBS and KPMG —to fix this broken formula. 

Emotional Intelligence: 10th Anniversary Edition by Daniel Goleman

Goleman, a psychology professor at Rutgers, introduced the world to the concept of Emotional Intelligence (“EI”) with this groundbreaking book from 1996. The author outlines a wide array of competencies and skills that drive leadership performance. The four main constructs of EI are: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management. Importantly, unlike IQ, emotional intelligence can be learned and developed.

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A scientific measurement of your instrinsic desires will help you define why you are present in any given environment.  Start with the RMP assessment for Sports or Business, and begin your journey to a deeper understanding about who you are.

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When do you hug?  Should you even think about hugging? Well I am cutting through the hesitation and declaring June as the global month to hug.

Are you ready to get your hug on?  I am ready, willing and able to deliver a hug whenever others are prepared to receive.

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